Thought for today 30 th January 2019

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propogation nor does truth becomes error because nobody sees it.Truth stands, even if there be no public suppport.It is self sustained.

Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, 25 March 2013

Electronic Postal Order introduced – To Benefit Information Seekers under RTI ACT

Subject :  Electronic Indian Postal Order — launching of.
On the initiative of Department of Personnel and Training, Department of Posts has launched a service called "eIPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) w.e.f. 22.03.2013. This is a facility to purchase an Indian Postal Order electronically by paying a fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal i.e. It can also be accessed through India Post website . As per RTI Rules, 2012, fees may be paid by electronic means, if facility for receiving fees through electronic means is available with the public authority.
2. At present, this facility is provided only for Indian Citizens abroad across the globe to facilitate them to seek information from the Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) under the RTI Act, 2005, Debit and Credit cards can be used to purchase eIPO.
3. The user needs to get himself registered at the website. He has to select the Ministry/Department from whom he desires to seek the information under the RTI Act and the eIPO so generated can be used to seek information from that Ministry/Department only. A printout of the eIPO is required to be attached with the RTI application. If the RTI application is being filed electronically, eIPO is required to be attached as an attachment.
4. It may be noted that this facility is only for purchasing an Indian Postal Order electronically. All the requirements for filing an RTI application as well as other provisions regarding eligibility, time limit, exemptions etc., as provided in the RTI Act, 2005 will continue to apply.
5. An eIPO generated must be used only once with an RTI application. To check any multiple use of the same eIPO, the CPIOs shall maintain a record of the eIPOs so received from Indian Citizens abroad. In case of any doubt, the details of eIPO can be verified from the above mentioned site/portal of India Post.
(Sandeep Jain)
Deputy Secretary

( This is memorandum of  Govt of India , D.O.P.T. no.No. 1/44/2009-IR dated 22 nd March 2013

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Notional fixation of pay to officers included in USSL 2009 and 2010 reg.

No.5/11/2011-CS-I (U)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, 
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 27th February 2013


Subject : Notional fixation of pay to officers included in USSL 2009 and 2010 reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to references received from Ministries/ Departments forwarding therewith requests of officers included in USSLs 2009 & 2010 for notional fixation of pay in the grade of Under Secretary from 1 July of the Select List year. The issue has been examined in this Department.

2. It is informed that as per DPC guidelines promotions are effective from a prospective date. Grant of notional fixation of pay from a date prior to the date of actual promotion is not as per the general instructions on promotion. The pay and allowances attached to a post is admissible only w.e.f. the date of appointment to the post and for actual pay benefit, assumption of charge of the promotional post is the criterion.

3. It was decided by this Department that notional fixation of pay would not be allowed to any grade/ service on the ground of delayed holding of DPC. Accordingly, in the Office Memorandum of even number dated 26.11.2012 issued by this Department for inclusion of officers in USSL-2009 & 2010 no instructions were issued for notional fixation of pay.

4. Accordingly, notional fixation of pay in respect of officers included in USSL-2009 and 2010, w.e.f. 1 July of the Select List year is not consistent with extant rules/instructions on the subject and is not, therefore, allowed. All the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to review the cases of fixation of pay of officers included in USSLs 2009 & 2010 and take steps to rectify the pay fixation in all those cases where the benefit of notional fixation of pay has incorrectly extended.

(Utkarsh R Tiwaari)
